# The Agoric Board
# Introduction
The Board is a shared, on-chain location that is where users post an object as a value and make it accessible to others. When a user posts a value, they receive a unique ID for that value. Others can get the value just by knowing the ID. You can make an ID known by any communication method; private email, a DM or other private message, an email blast to a mailing list or many individuals, listing it on a website, etc.
In particular, the Board is frequently used to give others access to deposit facets. After you post a deposit facet object to the Board, you distribute its Board ID string as widely as you'd like. Anyone who has that ID can use it to get access to its value, the deposit facet object. They can then safely deposit assets into the facet's associated purse without being able to withdraw assets from the purse or check its balance.
The ids()
method returns all of the Board's currently used IDs.
This means anyone can access any Board-stored value. The Board is public,
not private.
Note that when calling from the REPL's home
object, you must use
the E
as shown below.
# E(home.board).getId(value)
{ any }
- Returns:
{ string }
If the value
is present in the Board, this method returns its Board-associated ID value.
If the value
is not present in the Board, this method adds it to the Board and assigns it
an associated ID value. It returns the new ID value.
// Create an ID for an object that you want to make public
command[1] E(home.board).getId(auctionInvitation)
history[1] "1403739213"
// The value auctionInvitation (an Invitation object) now has the ID "1403739213"
command[2] E(home.board).getId(auctionInvitation)
history[2] "1403739213"
# E(home.board).getValue(id)
{ string }
- Returns:
{ any }
Looks up the id
value in the Board and returns the Board-associated value for that ID.
With respect to the CRC
used in an error message below, an ID has two parts, the raw id
and a CRC (opens new window). The CRC error
happens when the passed-in id's CRC value is checked. The alleged ID is split into its
two parts, and if the CRC in the alleged ID doesn't match the CRC produced at this time
from the raw ID value, it throws the error.
- If the
value is not a string, errors with the message "id must be string" and a log of the failingid
that was passed in. - If the
value has too few digits, errors with the message "id must consist of at least 3 digits". - If the
value has a different CRC value than the stored one, errors with the message "id is probably a typo, cannot verify CRC". - If the
value is not in the Board, errors with the message "board does not have id: [id]".
// Continuing from the example above in getValue(), the id returns its associated value
command[3] E(home.board).getValue("1403739213")
// returns the "abc" value
history[3] [Alleged: presence o-102]{}
# E(home.board).has(value)
{ any }
- Returns
{ boolean }
Returns true
if the specified value has an associated Board ID.
// Pass an id, not a value, so returns false
command[4] E(home.board).has("1403739213")
history[4] false
// Pass a value that does have an id in the Board, so returns true
command[5] E(home.board).has(auctionInvitation)
history[5] true
# E(home.board).ids()
- Returns:
{ Array of strings }
Returns an array of all IDs in the Board. Remember, the Board is public, so anyone can access anything in it.
command[6] E(home.board).ids()
history[6] ["604346717","381205908","1667979430","1576549616","1532665031",