# Contract Requirements

Zoe v0.24.0. Last updated August 25, 2022.

When writing a smart contract to run on Zoe, you need to know the proper format and other expectations.

A Zoe smart contract is a JavaScript module that exports a start function and may import other code, including:

A Zoe contract will be bundled up, so you should feel free to divide your contract into multiple files (perhaps putting helper functions in a separate file, for example) and import them.

A Zoe contract needs to be able to run under Agoric's SES shim for Hardened JavaScript (opens new window). Some legacy JavaScript code is incompatible with Hardened JavaScript, because Lockdown freezes the JavaScript objects you start out with (the primordials, such as Object), and some legacy code tries to mutate these.

If you add this type annotation, TypeScript-aware tools (IDEs like vsCode and WebStorm) will inform the developer about parameters and return values for your contract and zcf methods and warn about mismatches. Put it right before the start of your contract code.

 * @type {ContractStartFn}

Your contract code must export a function start as a non-default export. zcf is the Zoe Contract Facet and is the first argument provided to the contract. The second argument, privateArgs, is used by the caller of startInstance to pass in any arguments that should not be part of the public terms. privateArgs is an object with keys and values as decided by the caller of startInstance. If no private arguments are passed, privateArgs is undefined.

const start = (zcf, privateArgs) => {
  // your code here
  return harden({ creatorFacet, creatorInvitation, publicFacet });
export { start };

The contract must return a record with any (or none) of the following:

  • creatorFacet: An object, usually with admin authority. It is only given to the entity that calls E(zoe).startInstance(); i.e. the party that was the creator of the current contract instance. It might create invitations for other parties, or take actions that are unrelated to making offers.
  • creatorInvitation: A Zoe invitation only given to the entity that calls E(zoe).startInstance(); i.e. the party that was the creator of the current contract instance. This is usually used when a party has to make an offer first, such as escrowing the underlying good for sale in an auction or covered call.
  • publicFacet: An object available through Zoe to anyone who knows the contract instance. Use the publicFacet for general queries and actions, such as getting the current price or creating public invitations.

The contract can contain arbitrary JavaScript code, but there are a few things you'll want to do in order to act as a contract, and interact with Zoe and zcf (the internal contract facet).

For users to make offers, the contract has to include a handler with the code for what to do when the invitation is used to make an offer. This handler is passed to zcf.makeInvitation(), and the resulting invitation is made available (using the creatorFacet, the publicFacet, or whatever makes sense for the particular contract.

For instance, AtomicSwap makes two invitations. The first is used to create the initial offer, so it defines the terms that the counterparty responds to. The second party needs to make a matching offer, so there are more constraints.

Use zcf.makeInvitation() to create the first party's invitation:

const creatorInvitation = zcf.makeInvitation(

makeMatchingInvitation() creates the second invitation.

const matchingSeatInvitation = zcf.makeInvitation(
    asset: give.Asset,
    price: want.Price,

The third argument (which is optional and wasn't needed for the first invitation) says the counterparty has to offer an amount matching the first party's want.Price, and should ask for the first party's give.Asset. The optional third argument to makeInvitation() is included so the invitation will contain the terms so the invitation recipient can rely on them.

The matchingSeatOfferHandler for this very simple contract calls swap(), a helper for the simple case that each party wants what the other offered. If the terms match, Zoe gives each the payout they asked for, and closes out the contract. If the terms don't match, they each get back what they brought to the exchange, and it's still over.

const matchingSeatOfferHandler = matchingSeat => {
  const swapResult = swap(zcf, firstSeat, matchingSeat);
  return swapResult;

If you study other contracts, you'll see they all have this basic format. Depending on their goals, they may do additional bookkeeping, or try to find compatible terms between multiple offers, or create new assets to order.

# Making an Invitation

To create an invitation in the contract, use the Zoe Contract Facet method zcf.makeInvitation.

# Using bundleSource

Modules start as files on disk, but then are bundled together into an archive before being loaded into a vat. The bundling tool uses several standard functions to locate other modules that must be included. These are not a part of Hardened JavaScript, but are allowed in module source code, and are translated or removed before execution.

  • import and export syntax are allowed in ESM-style modules (preferred over CommonJS). These are not globals as such, but top-level syntax that defines the module graph.
  • require, module, module.exports, and exports are allowed in CommonJS-style modules, and should work as expected. However, new code should be written as ESM modules. They are either consumed by the bundling process, provided (in some form) by the execution environment, or otherwise rewritten to work sensibly.
  • __dirname and __filename are not provided.
  • The dynamic import expression (await import('name')) is currently prohibited in vat code, but a future SES implementation of Hardened JavaScript may allow it.

The Node.js API (opens new window) includes "built-in modules", such as http and crypto. Some are clearly platform-specific (e.g. v8), while others are not so obvious (stream). All are accessed by importing a module (const v8 = require('v8') in CommonJS modules, or import v8 from 'v8' in ESM modules). These modules are built out of native code (C++), not plain JS.

None of these built-in modules are available to vat code. require or import can be used on pure JS modules, but not on modules including native code. For a vat to exercise authority from a built-in module, you have to write a device with an endowment with the built-in module's functions, then have the vat send messages to the device.

# Library Compatibility

Vat code can use import or require() to import other libraries consisting only of JS code, which are compatible with the Hardened JavaScript environment. This includes a significant portion of the NPM registry.

However, many NPM packages use built-in Node.js modules. If used at import time (in their top-level code), vat code cannot use the package and fails to load at all. If they use the built-in features at runtime, then the package can load. However, it might fail later when a function is invoked that accesses the missing functionality. So some NPM packages are partially compatible; you can use them if you don't invoke certain features.

The same is true for NPM packages that use missing globals, or attempt to modify frozen primordials.